About 150 acts issued after specialized inspections of EA "Road Transport Administration" and the Ministry of Interior

EA "Road Transport Administration" and the bodies of the Ministry of Interior compiled nearly 150 acts from the beginning of the year. The main purpose of the operation is to limit violations and unregulated passenger transport services in the area of Sofia Airport.

So far 830 specialized inspections have been carried out. One of the sanctioned drivers has carried out transportation of passengers in return for payment without possessing a license for that activity. He has been sanctioned with a compulsory administrative measure and pre-trial proceedings have been initiated.

In five taxi cars have been found mounted apparatus for manipulating the data of taxi devices, the so-called "pumps".

Two taxis have temporarily been taken off the road due to technical malfunctions.

The other most common violations are driving with expired penalty act or without a taxi driving certificate, lack of a certificate of psychological fitness and incompleted travel books. Some drivers were found to drive taxi without using the mandatory weekly rest.