Executive Agency “Automobile Administration” compiled 11 acts of three driving schools in Plovdiv

Executive Agency “Automobile Administration” compiled 11 acts of three driving schools in Plovdiv. After a preliminary analysis of the training centers in the city of Plovdiv in three motorcycles there were found great differences between the declared revenues and the actually trained candidates. In the course of the inspection with the National Revenue Agency, the Economic Police at the National Police Directorate and the Regional Police Directorate - Plovdiv, the inspectors of the EA |Automobile Administration” found numerous administrative violations. During the inspection, all the training documentation related to the training of the applicants for the qualification was not provided. For this violation, notices have been prepared to provide the documentation in due time, and in the event of non-compliance, a compulsory administrative measure will be imposed for temporary suspension of the activity of the driving schools. In the course of the inspection NRA also found serious violations. The inspections will continue throughout the country.